If you consider yourself a Contemporary Artist with provocative and thoughtful artworks, please send me your artwork for consideration to be part of my published essay/reviews. Send me your online portfolio (if you have it) and any social media links so I can get a grip of who you are as an artist. If you want to be more specific with the artwork you wish to be reviewed, send me the artwork with the title, description and your bio (+ any social links so I can give you credits). I will get back to you for further analysis and information. I am interested in works from these areas:
-Installation art
-Sound Art
Again, I am looking for works with strong and provocative approaching subjects relevant to actuality.
Looking forward to making you part of this project!
Any question, please don't hesitate in contacting me through e-mail to taniateixeira.art@gmail.com
Submissions only considered through email! Free Submission.